Sri Ramana: Guru va spune doar ceea ce spun eu acum.
El nu-ți va da ceva ce deja nu ai avut.
Este imposibil pentru oricine să obțină ceea ce el nu are deja. Chiar dacă el ar obține așa ceva, aceasta va pleca cum a venit.
Ceea ce vine va și pleca, de asemenea.
Ce este întotdeauna, doar asta va rămâne.
Guru nu-ți poate da ceva nou, pe care nu-l ai deja.
Eliminarea noțiunii că nu am realizat Sinele este tot ceea ce este necesar.
Suntem mereu Sinele numai noi nu ne dăm seama.
Mergem de jur împrejur în căutarea lui Atma [Sinele] spunând: "Unde este atma? Unde e?" până la final când atingem zorii Jnana Drishti [viziunea cunoașterii de Sine], și spunem: "Acesta este Atma, Acesta sunt Eu."
Noi ar trebui să dobândim acea viziune.
Când se ajunge la acea viziune, nu vor exista atașamente chiar dacă te amesteci cu lumea și te miști în ea.
Când ai pus în picioare pantofii, nu simți durerea de la pietrele sau spinii de pe drum, atunci când mergi pe jos.
Vei merge pe drum fără teamă sau griji, chiar dacă există munți în calea ta.
În același mod, totul va fi firesc pentru cei care au atins Jnana Drishti.
Ce este acolo în afară de propriul Sine?
~ Fii așa cum ești
Q: All books say that the guidance of a Guru is necessary.
Sri Ramana Maharshi:
The Guru will say only what I am saying now.
He will not give you anything you have not already got.
It is impossible for anyone to get what he has not got already. Even if he gets any such thing, it will go as it came.
What comes will also go.
What always is will alone remain.
The Guru cannot give you anything new,
which you don't have already.
Removal of the notion that
we have not realized the Self is all that is required.
We are always the Self only we don't realize it.
We go round and round in search of atma [Self] saying,
''Where is atma? Where is it ?''
till at last the dawn of jnana drishti [vision of knowledge] is reached, and we say,
"This is atma this is me."
We should acquire that vision.
When once that vision is reached,
there will be no attachments even if one mixes with the world and moves about in it.
When once you put on shoes your feet do not feel the pain of walking on any number of stones or thorns on the way.
You walk about without fear or care,
even if there are mountains on the way.
In the same way, everything will be natural to those
who have attained jnana drishti.
What is there apart from one's own Self ?
~ Be as you are
Sri Ramana Maharshi:
The Guru will say only what I am saying now.
He will not give you anything you have not already got.
It is impossible for anyone to get what he has not got already. Even if he gets any such thing, it will go as it came.
What comes will also go.
What always is will alone remain.
The Guru cannot give you anything new,
which you don't have already.
Removal of the notion that
we have not realized the Self is all that is required.
We are always the Self only we don't realize it.
We go round and round in search of atma [Self] saying,
''Where is atma? Where is it ?''
till at last the dawn of jnana drishti [vision of knowledge] is reached, and we say,
"This is atma this is me."
We should acquire that vision.
When once that vision is reached,
there will be no attachments even if one mixes with the world and moves about in it.
When once you put on shoes your feet do not feel the pain of walking on any number of stones or thorns on the way.
You walk about without fear or care,
even if there are mountains on the way.
In the same way, everything will be natural to those
who have attained jnana drishti.
What is there apart from one's own Self ?
~ Be as you are
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