"Odată, Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati, Shankaracharya din Kanchi a campat în nordul Indiei. Atunci prim-ministrul indian, Indira Gandhi, a venit să-l întâlnească.
Primul-ministru al Indiei a pus o întrebare similară (referindu-se la escroci), în fața lui Sri Swamiji: "Dacă ai identifica persoanele care, în numele spiritualității, conduc oamenii într-un mod greșit, voi lua măsuri împotriva acestora."
Swamiji a râs și a spus: "Nu! Acest lucru nu ar trebui să fie tratat în acest mod. Cei care se apropie de un astfel de guru fals vor înțelege ei înșiși, după un timp, standardul lor de maturitate."
El a văzut că acest răspuns nu a fost satisfăcător pentru doamna Gandhi.
Cineva i-a oferit înțeleptului un coș plin de mango. Acesta conținea mai multe fructe necoapte și doar câteva fructe coapte. Devoții săi așteptau afară pentru a se întâlni cu el. El a cerut însoțitorilor să aducă un copil din rândul acestor devoți. Un copil de vreo 5 ani a fost adus la el.
Arătând spre coș înțeleptul a spus zâmbitor copilului: "Ia orice vrei."
După ce a căutat, copilul a luat un fruct copt.
Swamiji i-a subliniat doamnei Gandhi care privea toate acestea:
"La fel cum un copil știe ce este copt și ce este necopt, tot așa, cei care sunt în căutarea Adevărului recunosc un Om adevărat la un moment dat al vieții lor."
Citește și:
Calitățile unui Guru și ale unui discipol în buddhismul tantric
Can you tell a sage from a con man?
“Once Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Kanchi had camped in North India. The then Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, came to meet him.
The Prime Minister of India placed a similar question (referring to con men) in front of Sri Swamiji, “If you would pinpoint the persons who, in the name of spirituality, lead the people in a wrong way, I will take action against them.”
Swamiji laughed and said, “No! It should not be handled in this manner. Those who approach such fake gurus will themselves, after a time, understand their standard of maturity.”
He understood that this reply did not satisfy Mrs. Gandhi.
Someone had offered a basket full of mangoes to the sage. It contained many unripe and a few ripe fruits. Many devotees waited outside for a meeting with him. He instructed the attendants to bring a child from amongst these devotees. A child of about 5 years was brought to Him.
Pointing to the basket the sage smilingly said to the child, “Take whatever you want.” After a search the child picked up a ripe fruit.
Swamiji pointed out to Mrs. Gandhi who was watching all this, “Just as the way a child knows what is ripe and what is unripe, so too would those who go out in search of Truth recognize a true Man at some point of their life.”
“Once Sri Chandrasekhar Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Kanchi had camped in North India. The then Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, came to meet him.
The Prime Minister of India placed a similar question (referring to con men) in front of Sri Swamiji, “If you would pinpoint the persons who, in the name of spirituality, lead the people in a wrong way, I will take action against them.”
Swamiji laughed and said, “No! It should not be handled in this manner. Those who approach such fake gurus will themselves, after a time, understand their standard of maturity.”
He understood that this reply did not satisfy Mrs. Gandhi.
Someone had offered a basket full of mangoes to the sage. It contained many unripe and a few ripe fruits. Many devotees waited outside for a meeting with him. He instructed the attendants to bring a child from amongst these devotees. A child of about 5 years was brought to Him.
Pointing to the basket the sage smilingly said to the child, “Take whatever you want.” After a search the child picked up a ripe fruit.
Swamiji pointed out to Mrs. Gandhi who was watching all this, “Just as the way a child knows what is ripe and what is unripe, so too would those who go out in search of Truth recognize a true Man at some point of their life.”
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