Traducerea: Summairu (2023)
Citește și:
Adyashanti - Întruparea stării trezite
Adyashanti - Falsul refugiu în Absolut
Adyashanti - Vacuitatea Radicală
Adyashanti - Nu te opri prematur
Adyashanti - Trezirea și dincolo de diviziune
Adyashanti - Curajul de a investiga
Adyashanti - O existență neîntreruptă
Adyashanti - Tranziția de la personal la întregime
Adyashanti - Iluzia ce pretinde că e reală
Adyashanti - Adevărul vine cu un preț
Adyashanti - Dependența spirituală
Awareness is empty because there’s no content. Awareness is not something you can grab hold of. Everybody in this room right now, there is Awareness happening. That’s what’s looking at me and listening and feeling. That’s what makes cognizing this whole experience possible, is there is Awareness. So for everybody …, Awareness IS there. And yet, even though it’s there, it’s so intimate to you, you can’t grasp it, can you? You can find it. Awareness just IS, it’s non-local. It’s not localized somewhere, it just IS.
This is why we say Awareness is empty, there is nothing to grab hold of, there is nothing to let go; it’s not in one location as opposed to another location, inside your heart, or inside your head, or behind your head or under your feet. Awareness IS, it’s Universal. And sense there’s no form to it, it’s empty. Its nature is emptiness.
Its nature/ Your nature is also Self-Aware. I think in Tibetan Buddhism they (say) Awareness is cognizant or there’s a quality of lucidity, which means that Awareness is Self-Aware; It knows that It Is. It’s Intelligent, in other words. Their qualities are qualities which are so familiar. I mean, they’re so familiar that they’re not noticed. So familiar that they’re not noticed.
The fact that Awareness can be Self-Aware is AMAZING. Nothing else can do that. Only Awareness is Aware of Itself. Only Awareness IS aware. Nothing else is Aware but Awareness. And without Awareness, nothing else IS. So Awareness is empty, it’s lucid and it also has a tremendous sense of Love, compassion; a sense of goodness, well-being. That’s why when you come into your True state as Awareness (or Spirit, another word for Awareness), there is sense of well-being, a great sense of ‘All Is Well’. There’s a sense even that all is perfect, even though there’s so many disasters happening. There’s a sense of wellness, well-being. Not only for oneself, but a well-being that spills over. It’s your innate goodness. It’s your nature…, of a goodness or a wellbeing that spills over. That’s what compassion is, that’s what Love is. It’s connecting with the well-being of your own nature, a well-being that is up-welling, that spills over. That’s what compassion is, that’s what Love is.
So to recognize your nature as Awareness is actually the simplest thing. Which means it may or may not be easy. It just means ‘simple’. Depends how simple you are. How willing to be simple. To be (self-egoically speaking) self-less. To let go of the tendency of the egoic self to do what it does. Everybody knows what their egoic self does…, ‘to do what it does’. And even when you’ve awakened there’s still going to be a deeper and deeper and deeper opportunity to let go of the (egoic) self-doing what it does. That’s the journey. You realize your True Nature, but actually realizing your True Nature is getting your foot in the door. Those of you who have realized Awareness Itself as your True Nature, you know what I’m talking about.
Just because you realize yourself as Awareness doesn’t mean that the ego immediately exits the premises. It may be mortally wounded, you know? It’s different for people in that regard; for some people it’s much more mortally wounded than others. For some people, they have a little awakening and it seems that their ego is just sort of nicked, so it reaches up and grabs center stage again and pushes everything off to the corner. And for some people, it’s barely standing anymore. But letting go of that egoic-self…, the blames, the judgements, the opinions.., that’s all egoic-self stuff. There’s no such thing as being Enlightened and Free, and getting to hold on to all that stuff. It just doesn’t work that way.
You can get a taste. You can be a total bozo and get a taste of awakening. A ding-dong can wake up to ‘OH, I see my true nature!’ Nothing’s required. That’s the nice thing about getting a good experiential glimpse of your True Nature…, the nice thing is that nothing is required. Absolutely nothing. Except to stop trying so hard. Stop seeking for a moment, let it happen.
But to actually BE in that awake state, to actually Be there, to function there, and move there…, I always think of Enlightenment or Awakening as sort of one of those annoying door-to-door salesmen. You begin the discussion, right? You just engage on the smallest level, and that’s all they wanted; the foot slips in the door and it’s hard to get the damn foot back out of the door, you know? [Laughs] Spirituality is kind of like that. The truth kind of slips its foot in, right?, and it’s like ‘Oh, yes, yes. Awakening costs nothing. Just turn around, look at yourself as Awareness Itself. It’s easy. It’s a total shift of identity. You’ll realize you’re free, you always were free, what Buddha realized, what Jesus realized.., you’ll realize for sure! It’s easy!’ And then you do, and you realize it’s all true.
And then you’ve got this big foot in your door. And it’s not pulling out. ‘Well, now that you’ve realized that. Very very good. Now you know, all that little ego stuff? That’s got to go’. Try as you will, you just can’t push that foot back out. Which is fortunate, which is wonderful, because at least then, theirs is no question. There is no doubt. When you let go of the egoic self, there is no doubt then. What there Is, What there IS, is what You Are. And what You Are is about the most wonderful place you could fall back into.
So, at least, you know that. You know that when you let go of the egoic self what you’re getting in exchange is the whole Universe. You’re getting all of Existence in exchange.
From Youtube talk: Wisdom of Do Nothing- Adyashanti